Reasons the Finance and Banking Industry Need Enterprise Mobile Messaging

It’s no secret that the finance and banking industries rely heavily on communication technology. That’s why the adoption of enterprise mobile messaging technology is becoming more common in these sectors. Companies are moving away from communication channels like email and embracing user-friendly, reliable mobile messaging.

4 Reasons the Financial Sector Needs Enterprise Mobile Messaging Solutions

You’re no stranger to the fact that the large majority of your employees use some form of mobile messaging every day. Now, you can take advantage of the same technology your workforce already uses, but with the added benefits and features of technology that is safe to use within the enterprise.

If you’re accustomed to the tried and true method of email correspondence, the notion of enterprise mobile messaging may be unfamiliar territory. Before you count it out, consider these four reasons to leverage the technology:

  • It’s Secure – Email isn’t the safest method of communication. Third-party hackers can access company servers and steal sensitive data contained in correspondence. Top-tier enterprise messaging technology uses secure encryption and other features to guarantee the security of files and multimedia messages shared between employees.
  • It’s Cost Effective – Think an enterprise messaging platform means every employee needs a company-owned device? Think again. You can find a solution that is Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) enabled – that means all employees need is a personal mobile device with an Android or iOS operating system. Employees simply download the platform, provide unique, secure logins and they’re ready to go. There’s no need to buy mobile devices for your employees, making enterprise mobile messaging a cost-effective solution for your organization.
  • It’s Reliable – One of the biggest problems with email is unreliability. Any number of factors can cause message send failures or delays, which is a serious concern if correspondence is time-sensitive and urgent. When you make the switch to mobile messaging for your enterprise, it’s beneficial to select a platform that can deliver secure SMS text messages in the event that Wi-Fi or cellular data networks can’t be accessed. This way, you’ll have peace of mind that your employees will never miss urgent messages or information.
  • It’s Easy to Control – If you’re concerned that mobile messaging solutions might compromise control of the way employees are communicating and sharing messages, don’t be. Messaging platforms give IT and account administrators complete visibility into employee accounts. This includes things like how many accounts are active at a given time, how many messages employees are sending and more. You’ll never lack visibility when it comes to your mobile messaging system.

Ready to leverage enterprise mobile messaging for your financial institution?

NetSfere is here to help.

NetSfere gives financial and banking organizations the tools they need to rapidly achieve secure and compliant communications. We provide your company with robust, reliable technology that is guaranteed to change how your employees share information and data across the organization.

To learn more about our enterprise mobile messaging solutions, contact us today.