Secure Messaging and Your Corporate Data Security Policy

A corporate data security policy can act as a shield in protecting your corporate material. Everything from employee info to sensitive client materials should be safeguarded and under the careful watch of a system administrator or IT department.

Enterprises that don't take careful steps to protect company data risk:

  • Incidents of data theft
  • Exposure of sensitive company information
  • Negative brand perception
  • Steep data recovery costs
  • High public relations spend for damage control

No matter the size of your organization, data security should never be taken lightly. The consequences of inadequately protecting your information are far too costly.

How Secure Messaging Plays Into Your Data Security Policy

More and more, enterprises are turning to secure messaging platforms to streamline internal communications. But the adoption of secure messaging technology hasn't been met without hesitation. After all, with messaging technology, employees can share highly sensitive information through SMS and instant messaging, platforms that are typically used by everyday consumers for low-security communications.

But the right secure messaging solution can complement your corporate data security policy, allowing company employees to communicate on Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) mobile devices without putting important data in jeopardy.

  • Federal Compliance: Each industry faces unique challenges when it comes to protecting data. But most industries are subject to federal regulations that require companies to manage information in a very specific way. If you're in the healthcare industry, it's HIPAA and the protection of patient medical records. If you operate in the financial sector, it's FINRA and other SEC sanctions. A robust secure messaging platform eases federal compliance, no matter the industry.
  • Easy Account Management: Once secure messaging technology has been implemented in the workplace, organizations should designate a system administrator to manage employee accounts. This can be a designated employee or separate IT team. But it's important that the account manager oversees employee account access, as well as who is using accounts, how often they're using them, etc. Even more, system administrators should be able to easily add or remove an employee from the messaging service as needed.
  • Encrypted Message Transfers: With secure messaging technology, you never have to worry about the integrity of messages during transmission. Files, multimedia attachments and more can be easily shared among employees. A specific encryption key is attached to each message, ensuring it's totally protected. The result? Secure file sharing and increased collaboration among team members.

Secure Messaging is the Perfect Partner for Your Corporate Data Security Policy

NetSfere's secure messaging technology was designed with corporate data security in mind. Every element of our platform supports secure file transfers and account management, giving organizations the ability to communicate freely and improve team collaboration. Our product is used across a variety of industries, including banking, hospitality, risk management and healthcare.

To learn more about NetSfere, contact us today.