Understanding HIPAA Compliant Messaging

HIPAA-compliant messaging has become a necessity in the healthcare industry. To streamline and simplify internal communications, a messaging platform that meets HIPAA standards has become the new norm for hospitals and medical practices that want to easily share electronic protected health information (ePHI).

What Is the Difference Between HIPAA Compliant Messaging and Consumer-Grade Messaging?

Traditional SMS messaging isn't entirely unprotected, but it's not ideal for organizations that need to communicate sensitive information like patient medical history and treatment records. Consumer-grade messaging applications are at higher risk for:

  • Interception during transmission and being sent to the incorrect recipients.
  • Long-term storage on a mobile device. Messages are only wiped from a device once the user has intentionally deleted them.
  • Data theft or hacking from an unwarranted third party.

If organizations don't take the necessary measures to ensure their internal messaging platform is HIPAA compliant, they risk more than data loss -- enterprises are subject to up to $50,000 in fines for failing to meet industry regulations.

The 3 S's of a HIPAA Compliant Messaging Platform

Enterprise messaging platforms are a proven method for streamlining internal communication practices. And this is especially true in the healthcare industry. The ability to quickly share X-rays, prescriptions, treatment history and more can replace outdated methods of team collaboration and give doctors, nurses and physicians the tools they need to provide the best patient care possible in a time-effective manner.

Achieving HIPAA compliance in messaging is within reach of any healthcare organization willing to transition their employees. When it's time to implement secure messaging technology, keep in mind the 3 S's of a messaging solution that abides by regulatory standards:

  • Security: A patient's ePHI contains sensitive and important information including social security numbers and medical history. HIPAA regulations mandate that a messaging solution must deliver high levels of security -- typically an encryption key that protects messages during transmission.
  • Storage: Unlike everyday messaging apps, communications between healthcare workers should be stored in an easily accessible central repository. This makes it simple for IT administrators and account managers to adhere to hospital data retention guidelines and avoid non-compliance fees.
  • Supervision: Employee messaging accounts should be consistently supervised by IT system administrators. Controls should include the ability to call-up messages, manage employee accounts and delete files and information -- whether administrators are physically in the facility or accessing controls from a remote location.

NetSfere: Your Trusted Provider for HIPAA-Compliant Messaging Technology

As an industry-leader in enterprise communications, NetSfere provides organizations and enterprises with secure messaging technology that mitigates the risks of data security and streamlines internal team collaboration. Our HIPAA-compliant messaging technology has given hospitals and medical practices the solution they need to ditch old-school communication methods.

To learn more contact us today.