Evolving Digital Enterprises Need Mobile Messaging Platforms That Protect Security – Not Compromise It

Enterprise IT security encompasses the strategies, techniques, and process of protecting data, IT systems, and information assets from cyberattacks. This operational area has arguably become one of the most important as organizations increasingly rely on an evolving digital infrastructure which continues to elevate security threats. As cyberthreats continue to mount, organizations will need to strategically deploy the best enterprise-grade technology designed to protect digital assets. At the forefront of these technologies are communication and collaboration platforms purpose-built for the enterprise that work to protect security – not compromise it.

A report by Gartner revealed that 69% of boards of directors accelerated their digital business initiatives following COVID-19 disruption. As businesses continue to accelerate digital transformation, cyber criminals are becoming more numerous and sophisticated. Statistics paint an alarming picture of current threat vectors and underscore the pressing need to secure the enterprise:

  • A recent report by McAfee estimated that cybercrime will cost the global economy more than $1 trillion this year: $945 billion in monetary losses and $145 billion in cybersecurity spending.
  • According to insurer Allianz, cyber risk, which seven years ago ranked as low as 15th in the Allianz Risk Barometer (an annual survey of more than 2,700 risk experts from 100 countries aimed at identifying the top threats for companies for the next 12 months and beyond), now ranks either near or at the top of seemingly every risk poll conducted.
  • The 2020 State of Security Operations study released by Forrester Consulting last September found that 79% of enterprises have experienced a cyber breach in the past year.

Those statistics make a compelling case for organizations to deploy communication and collaboration platforms that are purpose-built for the enterprise and designed from the ground up to eliminate vulnerabilities and security risks. Enterprise messaging platforms like NetSfere work to protect data security and privacy through:

Always-on encryption

NetSfere is a mobile-first, multi-platform that provides industry-leading end-to-end encryption across every device. The platform uses device-to-device encryption via a unique key. This key scrambles messages during transmission, unlocking only after they reach receivers’ devices. With NetSfere, encryption is always on, protecting enterprise data, intellectual property, and compliance.

No data collection/sharing – ever

Unlike consumer-grade OTT messaging and collaboration apps that collect and share data, NetSfere never collects or shares data. This strict no data collection/no dating sharing approach recently earned the platform the distinction of being highlighted as a leading secure enterprise messaging and collaboration platform in a recent 451 Research Report.

Built-in controls

In the enterprise workplace, IT administrators require more than a basic set of administrative controls. NetSfere provides IT administrators with powerful centralized administrative controls that enable centralized account management, file sharing and policy compliance, remote wipe, real-time reporting and other capabilities, giving IT departments the controls they need to securely manage the distribution of information across the enterprise.

Compliance made easy

Compliance laws and regulations continue to evolve, creating an ever-growing alphabet soup of regulations and challenging enterprises to keep pace with a wide range of compliance mandates. NetSfere features the administrative, technical and physical data security practices that make it easy for organizations to meet the most demanding and evolving global compliance and privacy requirements including GDPR, CCPA, HIPAA, FINRA, SOX, DFA, and more.

Today, enterprise IT security must evolve to address shifting work norms, increasing compliance mandates and rising cyber threats. By necessity, the evolution of enterprise IT security should include a communication and collaboration solution built for the digital enterprise that works to protect data security – not compromise it. NetSfere is that solution.