RIMS 2019 Conference
Apr 28 – May 1, 2019 | Boston

Meet Us @ RIMS 2019

Meet us at RIMS

Is Mobile Messaging at the Core of your Enterprise Communication?

Today, mobile messaging is the heart of workforce collaboration, customer engagement and mobile ecosystem enablement. It is the new mobile operating system.

Meet us at RIMS 2019 ( Booth #1186 ) to learn how you can:

  • Drive productivity gains with instantaneous collaboration via text, voice, video
  • Keep IT in the driver's seat with centralized administrative controls and policies
  • Stay compliant and protect your business with administrative, physical, and technical safeguards
  • Secure sensitive business information and eliminate the risk of data breach

Download Our Recent Whitepapers and Get Ready for RIMS 2019 Conference

Secure Enterprise Messaging in the Age of Chat Apps

According to Ovum's recent survey report, the use of consumer messaging apps in the workplace is causing major compliance and data risks for enterprises.

As per the same report, NetSfere is now among the top 3 Enterprise internal secure mobile messaging apps.

To know more, download the report here
Secure Enterprise Messaging in the Age of Chat Apps.

Growing Use of Consumer Messaging Apps Exposes Organizations to Privacy, Compliance and Security Risks

“The time is now to adopt secure messaging services”. 451 Research’s latest report warns of privacy, compliance and security risks to the enterprises with the growing use of consumer messaging apps for business communications.

To know more, download the report here
Growing Use of Consumer Messaging Apps Exposes Organizations to Privacy, Compliance and Security Risks

Schedule a Meeting at RIMS 2019

Schedule a quick, 30-minute meeting with NetSfere at RIMS 2019 Conference - The eCommerce & Omnichannel Conference now and get the information you need to make informed decisions about messaging for your organization.